akmagagula@uniswa.sz (+268)25170347 modlamini@uniswa.sz (+268) 25170880

Faculty of Science & Engineering Newsletter #1

It is my privilege to introduce the inaugural issue of the annual Faculty of Science and Engineering (FOSE) Newsletter. We are a “Faculty at work” ,and in this Issue we are pleased to share with you some highlights of Faculty activities, events and achievements of members of the faculty. Through the annual newsletters, we aim to keep our alumni, students, university community, friends and partners, abreast with the latest news from the Faculty.

Faculty of Science & Engineering Newsletter #2

It is my privilege to introduce the second issue of the annual Faculty of Science and Engineering (FOSE) Newsletter. We are a “Faculty at work” and in this issue we are pleased to share with you some highlights of faculty activities and events, and achievements of members of the FOSE. Through the annual newsletters, we aim to keep our alumni, students, University community, friends and partners, abreast with the latest news from the Faculty.